Evoking energy!
Posted on 13th November 2019 at 14:38
We may not have the luxury of hibernating throughout the winter like a bear in the wild even if we want to! In the Winter, aside from it being colder, there is less light available so our energy levels are lower than in other seasons.
When doing a presentation it is useful to give out a lot of energy, passion and enthusiasm for the topic we are talking about. But what if you are feeling tired and not particularly brimming with energy?
For most people having an audience in front of them usually gives them a bit of an adrenaline kick. I remember having performed in plays being very tired and have managed to give the role a lot of energy. Of course, this is not an ideal situation especially for more than one or two performances.
Here are some natural things you can do to energise yourself a few minutes before your presentation :
1. Drink some plain water or lemon (not coffee or other stimulants as you may get over stimulated and jittery)
2. Then empty your bladder after drinking the water!
3. Do a few deep breathing exercises which can help energise and ground you at the same time so I think that makes for a good use of your time. One way to do this is to take a breath and see if you can send that breath down to your lower belly. This means on the in breath your tummy should be rising instead of your chest.
4. Pop to the bathroom or another room and do a bit of grounding. One of the easiest and quickest ways to do this is to stamp your feet hard on the floor a few times. Another way to do this is to stand with your feet hip width apart, pelvis tucked slightly under, arms loose by your sides and imagine roots coming out of the soles of your feet. Imagine the roots going down through the floor deep into the centre of the earth, then imagine any stress flowing out of these roots and then fresh nourishing energy flowing up through them.
5. Get a good nights sleep if possible. Prepare as much as you need to, know you have done what you can until the next day and then let it go.
Enjoy these shorter days knowing you have a few tricks up your sleeve for when you need them!
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